some would even say "it's some different"
but to me and the 8 other people i asked about it.. they said it was a drag ..
i get the reason why it was so EMO .. (because of his mother passing away during the making of this album) but still.. the singing, african based beats and canceling out all his rapping material.. something too much for me.. let's just say .. i'm glad he didn't battle 50 cent this year for the best selling album..
he not only lost his mom but he lost his fiancé as well.
if you guys read up on this album, the first 10 songs are about his ex fiance, and only "the coldest winter" is about his mother's passing. You guys think that the album is whack cause he didn't rap, well maybe you guys should have known that this isn't a RAP album. People who expected it to be a RAP album were disappointed, but people who want something different from him, pretty much got it. Don't be ignorant and hate on Kanye West's 808's and Heartbreak just cause he didn't "rap." Just shows what kind of fans you guys are. HYPE followers.
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