Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Muthaf*cken New Years!

 All of us here at Bitches and Tricks (and Kurt Cobain) want to wish everyone we know a very happy and safe new year. Party it up, party it safe, and have a great New Year!

On another note, we all got caught up in random stuff, that we never actually got time to update the blog, what with the holidays and all. So here's what B&T has been up to. Mikeys party at Buena Park was super crackiiiiin! Three fights about to break out that night lol. All of them were squashed like 30mins later lol. Oh well here are the pictures....

*ahem* Hectic(s).

Thats what it is!

 on a second note.. i ran into old pics i forgot to upload and share with the world.
i think this was how my week went last week.. i just got really busy being that it was the holidays and what not i finally have enough time to update the blog..

 so here it goes..

we start.. off with my friend, mark.
then friends.. 

B&T approved...holla!

Afterwards some of us didnt leave the party 'till like 3? Then met-up in LA to hit up the Warehouse Sale for American Apparel. Can you say, "crackin ass all-nighter" Great weekend over-all. Its intresting to know, how long our stamina can last. hahah
Anyways....hopefully this upcoming new year will be an adventure for us all. Best wishes!

- Gabe C. and G$ 

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